Monday, May 17, 2010


The street I was walking down had some particularly sweet homes. They all had interesting looking lawns, as though the families who lived in these homes made it a family activity to tend their lawns. Most of the homes had children playing or bicycles and toys strewn across the grass.

I was slightly preoccupied when I noticed the little boy on his green bicycle with a yellow flag stop in front of me. I was listening to music but it was calm music so I could still hear. I smiled at the boy. He was giving me a strange look. He wanted to say something but was either contemplating whether or not to say it, or was trying to multiply large numbers in his head. He looked confused. I had almost walked passed him when he finally opened his mouth.

“Dass macht die Ohren kaput.” This roughly translates to, “That’s bad for your ears.”

I looked at him smiling, a little stunned. It was so sweet and in that moment I almost considered never again listening to music with headphones again. Obviously it was only a brief moment of madness. Before I could say anything in return, the boy’s father and older brother had caught up with him and the three of them left me standing on the pavement, with a stupid smile on my face.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Dear Sky,

please look like this again.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


I fail at writing this blog regularly. I know you all missed my brilliant wit and sarcasm terribly.

I recently went to Madrid. Obviously it was charming and beautiful and all the other things Madrid is famed for. But I also got to see some of my friends from Kodai and that is always special. Running around any city with them is always a riot. I walked and ate way too much, as usual. One of my friends very sweetly introduced me to a Bakery close to our Hostel and for the rest of the trip every single time I past by I bought a Napolitana. Not so good for my stunning figure. :) Hearing Spanish everywhere I went wasn’t so good on the learning German front though.

Once back in Germz it felt like I had forgotten all of the little German I had managed to learn in the first two months. Not the best feeling to have when you are going into a class where everyone has been learning German for at least half a year. Of course it wasn’t quite the disaster I thought it was going to be. Yes, the class is difficult and trying to figure out the 12049838573285 tenses in German is still proving a next to impossible task. Next to impossible. I can’t even count the amount of times I have heard someone say that it is impossible to be fluent in German unless you started learning it as a child. NO. I must disagree. I will prove these fools wrong. (In twenty years.)

Here is something extremely entertaining you can all read.

It’s funnier if you are actually learning the language but Mark Twain was spot on and will hopefully make you laugh anyway.